What Elon Musk’s resume can teach college applicants
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What Elon Musk’s resume can teach college applicants

Reading Time: 4 minutes StoryIf you have been following Elon Musk in the news lately, you would have come across the one-page resume created by Novorésumé to show that even an accomplished person like Elon Musk does not need more than a single page to showcase all his achievements. His two decades of work, with numerous accolades, awards, and…

Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For
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Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For

Reading Time: 3 minutes What do you think of when you hear the term, ‘start-ups’? A tiny company looking to dish out ripple over ripple of disruption in an industry? Does it mean an ideal workplace? Does it mean risk?Start ups Whatever it means to you, to these entrepreneurs and MBA graduates from top business schools, the ‘start-up’ is…

Top 3 Tech Tips to Boost Your Career
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Top 3 Tech Tips to Boost Your Career

Reading Time: 3 minutes While you’re on the couch, bingeing on Family Guy, texting your friend about your weekend plans, in a fully air-conditioned room, you barely notice how deeply technology has penetrated and made life easier. Imagine what you’d be doing without these – probably just sitting in or attempting this long-distance conversation in person.tech tips Considering the…

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes For those ambitious little peas that wish to be their stalk someday, career planning is some important fertilizer. It is not as confusing as it may seem at first. If anything, career planning can be a highly satisfying personal project to undertake. What’s more, this simple task you undertake today will yield benefits over many…

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Why We Need to Gear Up for the Challenges of the Future

Reading Time: 3 minutes At the IIT E-Summit 2018, there were many seminars discussing cutting edge technology. One such seminar conducted was on the future of Artificial Intelligence and how we need to gear up to meet the challenges of the future. Artificial Intelligence: What is That? To the uninitiated, artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes…


Cheat Sheet of Top 20 Questions Asked by Investors at a Startup Meet

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you a startup looking to raise money at a Venture Capital meeting? Don’t let the investors throw you a curveball. Here is a cheat sheet of top 20 questions you should have answers to. These 20 Questions Can Help You Make a Great Pitch At a recently held closed-door seminar at IIT-Bombay’s E-summit, I…

How to Make a Successful Career in Artificial Intelligence

How to Make a Successful Career in Artificial Intelligence

Reading Time: 2 minutes A career in Artificial Intelligence is not only remunerative, but also cutting edge. AI has caught the attention of scientists out there and fascinated them in recent years. The untapped potential in AI and the impact it will have on our life in its full strength has been a subject of awe. Here is how…

IIT E-Summit 2018: What the Youth Want From Indian Education System
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IIT E-Summit 2018: What the Youth Want From Indian Education System

Reading Time: 3 minutes           According to the youth of today, our education systems need a thorough shaking up. They had some of the most interesting insights about our education. It’s time we listened to our youth and consider their suggestions. Our Education System Needs to Be Revamped to Keep Up With the Times Walking…