How Important Are Your 12th Grade Marks in Your Future Career?
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How Important Are Your 12th Grade Marks in Your Future Career?

Reading Time: 2 minutes As the months of February and March approach, high school students in their 10th and 12th grade begin to feel the heat of the mounting pressure of studies. The ICSE and CBSE Board exams for grade 12 happen around February, and for the 10th grade, the Board exams take place in March-April. Naturally, school teachers,…

7 Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make at Your Job Interview
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7 Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make at Your Job Interview

Reading Time: 3 minutes Things You Say or Do at the Job Interview Can Come Back to Haunt You Do you know that feeling when you say something, and bite your tongue later? Most people will not admit it, but we have all been there. Job interviews are stressful. And stress makes you blabber without thinking. You want to…

5 Reasons Why Engineers Should Pursue an MBA After Graduation
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5 Reasons Why Engineers Should Pursue an MBA After Graduation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Engineering Plus MBA is Your Gateway to Corporate SuccessOne of the common dilemmas students go through after completing their engineering degree is should they pursue an MBA after graduation or not?engineers Students who opt for computer engineering study various aspects of computers, technology, and software development. Most jobs that pertain to Tech and ITES, prefer…

How to Tackle Homesickness When You are Studying or Working Abroad

How to Tackle Homesickness When You are Studying or Working Abroad

Reading Time: 2 minutes Tips for Dealing with Homesickness Abroad Homesickness can arise from several different factors — difficulty adjusting to a new environment, feeling lonely or cut off from your regular support system, confusion or problems understanding a new environment/culture/language, a perceived lack of control over what’s happening around you, culture shock, and the list goes on. FOMO…

Why Upskilling Is Important
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Why Upskilling Is Important

Reading Time: 4 minutes The Indian Job Market is Changing In the past decade, there has been a sea change in the job market scenario. With the growth of technology and digitization, jobs are getting highly specialized and automated. Consequently, there is a learning gap that needs to be addressed by the educational sector. Skilling employees is important not…

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5 Ways to Boost Your Employability By Going Digital

Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in a fast paced digital world. We hear of new tech developments changing the paradigm of work everyday from an increased productivity to smaller concentration spans. In the new millennium, technology has enabled communication, connectivity, and systems management like never before. In such a changing world scenario, the new age employees need to…

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How Millennials Communicate in The Workplace

Reading Time: 3 minutes Suits, meetings, handshakes? These are old news. In the millennial controlled workplace, the theme is casual. The English language has constantly been evolving since the days of Shakespeare. The Queen’s language has imbibed some of the flavours of its colonies. Words like ‘chutney’, or ‘guru’ are now a part of the Cambridge and Oxford dictionary….

10 Reasons Why a Positive Attitude Will Help You Get a Great Job!

10 Reasons Why a Positive Attitude Will Help You Get a Great Job!

Reading Time: 4 minutes   What kind of workplace would you prefer to work in? A place where your colleagues give you negative vibes? Or would you rather work in a place where your teammates are gung-ho, upbeat, and enjoying life? Sheela, a business development executive, applied for a job in many companies. She had a decade of work…

Top Emerging Courses for Undergrad Science Students

Top Emerging Courses for Undergrad Science Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes How often have your parents and loved ones advised you against pursuing a course of your own choice, because ‘it does not pay well?’ In fact, in most cases, career counsellors are often questioned by parents on what careers will guarantee them good money, a comfortable lifestyle, and less stress. So, here is a quick…