Must-Read Blogs To Get Inspired And Crack Admissions To A Top Global MBA Program

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must read blogs

What are admissions officers from top schools looking for? How do you build a compelling profile to get admitted to a top global school? What is the secret to happiness?must-read blogs


Written by ReachIvy experts and occasional guest bloggers, here are a few must-read blog posts that help you crack admissions to a top global MBA program. Read on to gain knowledge and inspiration!


  1. How do you build the right profile?

A business school application is not just a set of application forms that need to be filled out. There is also no silver bullet, no one formula for success. Building the right profile and accordingly, putting an impressive business school application together is an uncomfortably intense introspective process, where you develop a clear sense of self-awareness, which you can harness to maximize your strengths, and build scaffolds around your weaknesses. Read on.

  1. How do you know which MBA programs you should be applying to?

How do you drown out the noise and build a path that is best for YOU? The best way to optimize the college search process is to build a structure that works best for your specific style of consuming and processing large amounts of information. Think about how you currently carve up sizeable portions to study for a marathon board examination, and apply a similar philosophy here. Read on.

  1. How do I write a compelling essay?

Your business school essays are one of the most critical components of your application. It influences whether or not you make it to the interview round, and is one of the driving factors for admission to a top university. Want to learn more about how you can avoid the biggest mistakes you can make? Read on.

  1. How do I get strong letters of recommendation?

Strong recommendation letters are critical to getting in to a top global business school. They can tip the scales towards an acceptance offer. They provide the admissions committee with insight into your performance and potential for career success, in the eyes of a credible supervisor, and corroborating evidence in terms of the story arc you have built in the rest of your application. So how do you build and present the strongest possible recommendation/s from your supervisor/s? Read on.

  1. What questions should I ask the admissions committee during an interview to impress them?

The questions from your interviewer will be centered on determining whether you are a good fit for their specific MBA program. Usually at the end of the interview (depending on whether it is more formally formatted or conversation based), you will be given a cue to share any specific questions that you may have for them. Although this is optional, by asking relevant, well thought-out questions, you have a chance to make a strong impression. Read on.

  1. How do I crack the GMAT?

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test considered by most business schools as a paramount data point in the admissions process. While some may presume that it is easy to crack the GMAT given that basic concepts are tested, students actually end up making numerous mistakes given the complexity of the questions and the multiple choice responses. Read on.

  1. How do I craft a stellar resume?

How critical is your resume? Extremely. You may have stellar achievements, but it is imperative that they are compiled in an impressive manner. A crisp, error-free and coherently presented resume allows you to make an instantaneous positive impact. A well-constructed CV should document your skills and convince the admissions committee about your exceptional candidature. Read on.

  1. How do I change my admissions status from waitlisted to accepted?

Being on the waitlist for admissions to a top tier business school can be rather unsettling. However, getting waitlisted is not the same as getting rejected, and in fact, clearly communicates that you remain a strong candidate for this business school. You still have a chance to tip the scales from ‘waitlisted’ to ‘accepted’, but you need to be proactive now.Read on.

  1. How do I create an impressive LinkedIn profile?

Having a strong LinkedIn profile is not just for a job search process. It is, essentially, the online version of swapping and storing business cards, and foundational to building and positioning your professional brand. In addition to recruiting and job seeking, LinkedIn is a way to discover and be discovered by the admissions committee, and to establish yourself as a thought leader in your space.Read on.

  1. How do you stay happy and inspired through this stressful admissions process?

How do you push past complacency and unease, and build greater character as you build a strong application? How do you define yourself, and find purpose? How do you define and achieve happiness? A ReachIvy counselor shares her reflections on a deeply moving keynote speech by David Brooks, op-ed columnist for the New York Times, at an education conference in Denver, Colorado. Read on.

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