10 Ways To Stay Creative

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Everyone is born creative. Kids have some of the most remarkable imaginative capabilities. It is not until we grow up, that we begin to doubt our abilities. Movies have made us believe that an artist is someone who is supposed to be completely different from the rest and is exceptionally good at his interests. But that is not necessarily the truth. You don’t need to be as good as Shakespeare, Mozart or Van Gogh at your work. Creativity is a trait that fosters over time. Here are some ways in which you can stay creative.

    • 1. Just start something

If you are planning on starting something and have been thinking about it for a long time, just do it. Get up on your feet and simply begin. Don’t overthink. It could either go well or go wrong. But either way, you wouldn’t know unless you try. Artists often struggle with the question of how and where to begin. Don’t waste your time pondering so much.

      • 2. Carry a journal/ notebook everywheret

Observing and noting is very important to hone your creative thinking. And what better inspiration than the world around you. Carry a tiny notebook or journal and take a note of all the ideas that flow through your head or movements that fascinate you. Notice things; how people interact, how they move, your surroundings, etc. These can end up as a great source of inspiration and help you with your work.

      • 3.Spend some time in nature

Many studies suggest that spending time in nature can enhance your creativity and make you even more productive. Nature is known to have a calming effect on your mind and body. Simply unplugging from your busy life can do wonders to your creative thinking skills. Visit a new place or sit in the midst of nature and just let your creative juices flow.

      • 4.Draw/Paint without thinking too much

Don’t think about the fact that you have to create a masterpiece or absolutely excel at your work. Even if you suck at drawing, it can be a great outlet for your imagination. Getting involved in fine arts can give a significant boost to your creativity. It was Pablo Picasso who said, ‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.’

      • 5.Let your imagination run wild

Don’t stop your mind from wandering and coming up with random thoughts. In fact, spare some time from your schedule and let your imagination run wild. No matter how ridiculous the ideas sound, letting your thoughts run amok can provide you with sudden inspirations.

      • 6.Spare some time for your favorite activities

No matter how jam-packed your schedule is, spare some time for your hobbies and work on your interests. This will not only help you relax but also hone your skills.

      • 7.Listen to new music

Listening to the same old songs can become boring at times. If you are tired of the same playlists then try looking for new songs. Music has shown to have a positive impact on your creativity. By listening to something new, you might just come up with fresh, innovative ideas.

      • 8.Try something new every month

Take up a new hobby or try something new every once in a while. This will add great value to your profile and also help boost your creative skills. It is not possible to master every task you take up. But involving yourself in something other than your regular stuff can have a positive effect on your mind.

      • 9.Brainstorm and hang out with other creative people

Many people believe that creativity can’t be learned. It is something that develops from within. This is not really true. Creativity can be developed and nurtured with the right guidance. Interact with other creative people and brainstorm ideas with them. You might just learn something new and inspiring.

      • 10.Take some time out

Finally, take a break and get ample rest. Your mind can’t focus beyond a point. It is necessary to relax and not beat yourself up. Everything takes its own time to happen. Don’t force it out of yourself.

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