7 Reasons Why Singapore Is One Of The Best International Student Destinations In Asia
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7 Reasons Why Singapore Is One Of The Best International Student Destinations In Asia

Reading Time: 3 minutes Singapore is now among the most sought-after study abroad countries – students from across the globe have started recognizing it as a viable study abroad destination as Asia begins its growth as the next international education hub. Apart from just education, It also offers students and residents top-notch facilities and a lifestyle that is considered…

Need Blind Scholarship: What It Means and How You Can Fund Your Study Abroad
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Need Blind Scholarship: What It Means and How You Can Fund Your Study Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently the news about former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg offered a generous $1.8 billion to Johns Hopkins University to support student financial aid and make its admissions process “forever need-blind” spread like wildfire. Here’s what he said: “When colleges review applications, all but a few consider a student’s ability to pay. As a result,…

Survive College Abroad: 6 Ways to Make it Easier for International Students
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Survive College Abroad: 6 Ways to Make it Easier for International Students

Reading Time: 2 minutes Surviving college is no rocket-science – but that, we say in hindsight. Juggling between academics and the eternal “settling in” period that never seems to end when studying abroad can be challenging for many, and lead to an unpleasant college experience.College Abroad Thankfully, these can be remedied by incorporating some small but important changes to…

How To Write A Winning Scholarship Application
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How To Write A Winning Scholarship Application

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hundreds of thousands of scholarships are made available to students worldwide every year and each is populated to the brim with applications. In such a mixed bag of individuals, it may be difficult to stand out. While there may be several candidates that fit the objective criteria, it is in the essay that you can…

Five questions to ask if you are planning to study abroad
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Five questions to ask if you are planning to study abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you ready to study abroad? Are you ready to begin that new chapter of your life – new experiences, dirty laundry, independence, a foreign country, top university and all? Or have you yet to work on it? Deciding to study abroad is a life-changing one – it puts you on track to several new…

Top 4 Places To Volunteer Build Your Profile
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Top 4 Places To Volunteer Build Your Profile

Reading Time: 3 minutes Top 4 Places to Volunteer to Add Value to Your Study Abroad Application Almost any guide that tries to point you in the direction of a successful business school application or even a successful career would strongly suggest that you have extra-curricular volunteering activity on your resume. However, many of them fail to address a…

Five mistakes to avoid on your resume
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Five mistakes to avoid on your resume

Reading Time: 3 minutes While writing your resume, put yourself in the shoes of the application committee (or even a potential employer) – would you enjoy reading a 3-page vortex of activities that barely help you understand the candidate? Your college application resume is supposed to give them a snapshot of all relevant achievements and involvements – think of…

6 Qualities That Make You an Ideal Candidate for College Admission Committees
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6 Qualities That Make You an Ideal Candidate for College Admission Committees

Reading Time: 2 minutes admissions committees admissions committees Here are some general criteria and why they are important to the admission committee. 1.Professionalism The admission committee at a top B-school does not merely look for a person’s profile for what they have achieved, but also the level of maturity and professionalism that they display in their application. Are you…

Crack Top College Applications In 7 Easy Steps and Get That Admit
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Crack Top College Applications In 7 Easy Steps and Get That Admit

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you a study abroad aspirant looking to crack a top universities application process? Do you know what the acceptance rate at Harvard and Stanford was last year? 5 percent. That’s right; only 5% of the total applicants got into these top colleges. This trend is barely surprising, however. The higher-end of acceptance rates was…