Adjusting to a foreign culture as a student

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Adjusting to new surroundings can be extremely tricky especially when you are a student abroad. You will barely have time to soak the culture, as you will be swarmed with academic work nearly always. Anyhow, it is important that you try to adjust and blend into the culture at your study abroad locations to make the most of your study abroad experience. As a student, you can do these five things to adjust to a foreign culture.

1) Try learning the local language
Knowing a language is always a weapon. When you are in a new place, starting by learning their language is the best thing ever. Most individuals appreciate when you try to speak their language, even if you do so imperfectly. Because this way, they will at least try to strike up a conversation with you to correct the broken phrases you are speaking.

2) Speak English clearly
Most study abroad locations have English as one of the languages for the majority. Chances are, you will always have people who speak English around you. Being fluent in English will eliminate half of your problems. If the native language is really hard then you can even find someone who is approachable and knows English and build your friendship on common ground.

3) Try the cuisine
How long can you hold onto your memories of food back home for a two-year study abroad? We know that food can be sentimental and hence it is hard to part from the flavors you have known all your life. But trying out the local cuisine at your study abroad location will also open the door for blending culturally. The food of a foreign culture tells a lot of stories and once again becomes a great topic to strike up a conversation about.

4) Observe the attire
Your attire is something that often becomes the first source of cultural identification as it’s the most obvious surface quality. A man walking in a poncho has been to Mexico, maybe is Mexican, maybe speaks Mexican. A woman in a kimono is probably Japanese or loves the culture. Who knows? But attires show where the person has been recently, or what he loves, or what his cultural identity is, in most cases. Therefore, try to adapt to the attires of the culture as this will deviate unnecessary attention from you.

5) Set stereotypes aside
Be free of judgements. Do not have preconceived notions about the person you are going to talk to or the places you are going to visit. Make your mind free of all stereotypes. A foreign culture can only be appreciated when you do so. As a student, you have the most impressionable minds and it is hence important that you have no rigid belief systems that hinder your from gaining knowledge.

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