Lockdown Diaries Nominee#35 Lockdown Diaries By Riddhi Srivastava

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Reading Time: 2 minutes





Hardly do we get time to look at nature and the other beings created by nature. Lockdown made it all possible. I heard birds chirping early in the morning. I saw dogs running on the streets, fearlessly. I started admiring a cute puppy born to a dog in my street just like the childhood days. I saw the white creature with its black eyes looking at me silently as if asking for food.

My emotions started flooding, once again. The next day, I bought a pack of bread to feed him. As soon as I mixed bread with milk in a box, I saw him and his mother rushing towards the box. I could see her stomach growling. Then, I saw the mother step back and let her baby feed on the sumptuous meal. I witnessed the love of a mother, again. When the pup was full, I made some bread for his mother too.

Soon, my mother joined the cause. It became a routine. We used to feed the pup and his mother. Soon, we started feeding all the dogs of the neighborhood. We even nicknamed the pup: ‘Chintu’. He became so familiar with his name that whenever we used to call him, he used to come right away, running and flapping his ears.

Earlier, all the dogs used to fight with each other for food. Growling and snapping at each other, they looked as if they would tear each other to pieces if not intervened by us. But soon, they too, understood that we will feed them all. And they stopped fighting. Waiting for their turn to be fed, they started behaving better than humans.
All I wonder is that they took around one month to learn to share. They learned to be selfless. When will we (humans) do?

ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. The competition met with a fantastic response from participants across 4 continents, and our jury has handpicked the Top 50 entries from them for the Popular Choice Award 2020!

e above entry has been submitted by Riddhi Srivastava from Lucknow, India. She is a 20-year-old student of the University of Delhi. Kudos to Riddhi for this beautiful piece!

Show your support and help Riddhi win the contest by liking this blog post on all ReachIvy.com’s social media platforms!

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