Tips To Improve Your Study Habits

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every student can vouch for the fact that studying is almost never fun. It is something we are meant to do but don’t really enjoy. But hey, there’s no escape, and we have to deal with the fact that everyone has to go through it. To help you save time and reduce some agony, here are some tips to make studying bearable and developing certain practices that will make your studying habits more disciplined.

    • 1.Find ‘The spot’

There must be a particular spot in your room or house where you have the perfect environment for studying. And if not, create that environment. Find a calm, peaceful place where no one can disturb you. Libraries are the ultimate spot for getting some academic work done. So, make avail of all the facilities around you or in your neighborhood and find ‘the spot’.

      • 2.Keep all distractions aside

I cannot emphasize enough on how important this is. Social media and games are in no way going to help you with your exams. So, keep your phone away or lock those applications that distract you. Make a promise to yourself that you won’t give in to the distractions and keep it. Trust me, there is no bigger distraction than the constant pings and notifications. There are also some apps out there that let you block websites temporarily. The world can wait, your exams cannot.

      • 3.Know your learning style

Learning styles are basically modes through which you learn and understand better. If you are someone who has a good photographic or visual memory then make flow charts and diagrams of key points. You will recall them faster during exams than long paragraphs. If you are someone who has a great auditory memory, then repeat what you are studying out loud. Hearing your own voice can help you memorize things better.

      • 4.Listen to instrumental music

Studies have shown that instrumental music actually helps you calm down and remember things better. Lyrics can be distracting, so look for tunes like piano or violin pieces or simple chords on a guitar. Listening to loud music can have an adverse effect, making it difficult to focus. So, keep all this in mind when choosing songs for your study playlist. Another effective method is listening to natural sounds. It has shown to increase productivity and enhance performance.

      • 5.Pretend you have to teach it to someone

This is another trick that will help you recollect your curriculum better. When you have to teach something to someone, you tend to simplify topics for yourself so you can explain it clearly. In the process, you automatically absorb and recall information faster. Once you understand the lessons perfectly, you will have no problem in memorizing them. There is absolutely no need for rote-learning to score well.

      • 6.Make a list of all doubts

If you have any doubt, make a note of it or keep a list of all doubts you have. What most people tend to do while studying, especially during exam time is, if you have a doubt you immediately contact your friends or text them time and again. This wastes precious time which could’ve been utilized for something productive. Instead of distracting yourself and your friend, ask all the doubts you have in one go. Approach professors if needed and clear all your doubts.

      • 7.Use mnemonics or acronyms to help memorize

Mnemonics are words or phrases associated with a big chunk of information to help memorize better. Acronyms are the first letter of words that form a compressed pronounceable word. These memory devices can help you regain long paragraphs and pages of information faster than you normally would. This trick works for some people while it doesn’t work for others. So, experiment on what suits you the best and then take care that you practise it .

      • 8.Take mini-breaks or reward yourself

Take a nap or spend some time away from your books to relax for a while. Take care of yourself by having healthy snacks from time to time. This will help you power up for your following study sessions. Continuous learning will drain your brain which is not healthy at all. You can also reward yourself with things you love for e.g. chocolates, chips, etc. This reward will motivate you to finish your work faster to have that chocolate you deserve!

      • 9.Keep some time aside for revision

After everything is done, keep some time apart for revising. This last-minute review will help you get a clear idea of how much you have achieved and can recall. This revision will prepare you for the final challenge that is your exam.
Hope these tips would help you reduce your anxiety and make studying easier!
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