How do I craft a compelling cover letter for my dream job?
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How do I craft a compelling cover letter for my dream job?

Reading Time: 2 minutes A cover letter is a supplementary document to a resume or a CV (curriculum vitae), sent by professionals while applying for new jobs. The cover letter is essentially a piece of written work that offers more insight into the individual’s personality, potential, and suitability to the position they are applying for, going beyond the impersonal,…

Employment Sector Post The COVID-19 Pandemic

Employment Sector Post The COVID-19 Pandemic

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is the employment sector? The section of the economy that generates jobs that contribute to legitimate economic activity is called the employment sector. It includes various occupations, and the occupations within each sector are typically interrelated with each other in some way or the other. While these jobs are linked within a larger field,…

5 Cool Ideas to Pick Summer Internships That Make You Job Ready
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5 Cool Ideas to Pick Summer Internships That Make You Job Ready

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past decade, internships have grown to occupy a rather important place on a student and fresh graduate’s resume. What warrants this importance that internships have come to hold on your study abroad and professional resume over the past decade is simply this – having interned, you have been exposed to the ground reality…