Pandemic Guidelines to Planning an Uncertain Future

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

You have been battling an invisible enemy for weeks. You have fortified your defenses and fought for your safety with utmost courage. But, the war is far from over. The past few weeks have taught us important lessons in survival and planning. As a student hoping to study abroad, you may think that your dreams are out of your reach, but that is not the case. We are all well aware that the only certainty lies in uncertainty. As we face further lockdown extensions and overturning of our plans, we must learn to prepare better. Even for your higher education, if college admissions are uncertain, you can plan in a way that suits possible outcomes. The future is unseen and unpredictable, but you still have control over your decisions. Use this time to introspect and plan for different outcomes of this pandemic.

Amidst this, remember that you are not alone. Humanity is undergoing a crisis and together we can overcome it. For yourself, you can be better informed and plan your future accordingly.

What will the next two-three months look like?

This is a difficult question that perhaps, only an omnipotent being can answer accurately. When it comes to the immediate future of the pandemic there can be different outcomes like:

The pandemic can subside and the situation will assume relative normalcy. People will still be cautious and certain restrictions will be in place. Study programs will resume yet, international students might face certain challenges. With adequate planning and a strong profile, you can go ahead to pursue your study abroad dreams.

The pandemic might stretch for a longer time. For the fall semester, colleges may start online learning which international students can continue to access. Study abroad and exchange programs will be on pause till there is worldwide stability for healthcare.

There may be a resurgence of infection, and health response may need to lift restrictions until a vaccine is developed and produced on a large scale. Only distance learning will continue even as challenges for pursuing this on a global scale will be difficult.

What can you do to plan?
Build Your Profile
Over the next few weeks, as the situation unfolds, make your profile stronger. Explore online courses and upgrade your skillset. Make sure that you keep your resume updated and focused on your area of interest. Now is a good time to take up hobbies, learn a new language, and explore your passion. In due time, your profile will make you a strong candidate for your study abroad program whether on campus or remotely.

Plan to Go Back to School
It might seem counterintuitive to go to school and study when the future may seem bleak. The idea is to gain clarity and decide on the program that you want to pursue higher studies. You can learn as an international student in person or online, but the colleges abroad will keep up their legacy and continue teaching anyone willing to learn. There is no doubt that either program (campus or online) comes with a unique set of challenges. So, choose your course at this time and apply.
Moreover, the economic situation will take a hit. It is better to study now and build your knowledge. You will enter the job market at a time when the economic scenario recovers. Employers will hire candidates who can stand apart from the crowd, adapt to the new normal, and bring value to the company.

Make the Best Out of the Situation
As mentioned above, this pandemic will teach you various lessons so, look on the bright side. You have the privilege and opportunity to help yourself and those around you. Build your network and get work experience from home. You will be able to face challenges ahead in life and still succeed. Put on your thinking cap and find out how you can give back to your community. As a student, you have a world full of challenges and opportunities ahead of you; make the most out of it and grow. May there never be such a situation again, but use your time efficiently and put your best foot forward.

The world is your oyster so, seize the pearl. The future is uncertain, but let your plans be flexible. You can still go ahead and achieve your dreams.

Need further guidance to plan your study abroad dreams? Contact us today!

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