I Came, I Saw, I Conquered: CEIBS Student Ketan Arora’s Journey to Shen City

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Born and raised in Gurgaon, India, I graduated as an Electronics & Communications Engineer in 2014. Having been brought up in a business-oriented family, I always had an inclination towards starting something of my own. I started working in the real estate sector when I was 21, which helped me gain deep insight into the market and its trends. In 2014, I started a cement marketing venture along with a colleague. At the same time, I worked with my family’s business to support a new project in real estate.

I started my B-school search in the summer of 2017. I had the support and guidance of my family and my brother who had not long ago been through the same process. After conducting some thorough research and speaking with many people, I concluded that Asia is the future and that this is where I would like to work. For professional advice, I turned to ReachIvy and they helped me to narrow down my choice of schools. Their brainstorming sessions and school selection sessions were of great help to me. After going through the selection process, I picked CEIBS as my lone choice among schools in Asia. Given its top ranking and positive reviews from alumni, I was sure that if I did an MBA, I wanted to do it at the best school in Asia.

When China Invaded My Heart

In 2010, I visited China on a business trip and fell in love with the country. In many aspects, it was much more advanced than other countries that I had visited before and this was one of the major driving forces behind my decision to come to China for my MBA. I figured that I would find opportunities to do business with China in the future. Post-MBA, I plan to work with Chinese companies that are preparing to expand overseas. Currently, many successful Chinese companies are trying to get a foot into other parts of Asia and the West.
One thing I learned from my visit to China was that learning the language would be a must. This seemed like an added advantage to me, because otherwise, I would not have learned another language. I started my Mandarin classes as soon as I accepted my admission offer. I even chose to come to Shanghai one month before the start of my MBA course. This gave me enough time to study more Mandarin, test my language skills, and get settled into a new city.

Why CEIBS Became My First Choice for B-School

At the CEIBS campus, I was mesmerized by the beautiful landscaping and numerous pools of water that give the campus a soothing and tranquil feeling. There is a lot of technology integration throughout all parts of the campus. On the academic front, CEIBS is on par with all top B-schools worldwide. The courses are well-structured to help students grow into future leaders. The case-based teaching method allows us to be decision-makers and learn through a practical approach. I would really love it if the school made available the option to participate remotely for those who sometimes were unable to be physically present in the classroom.

Love Shanghai, Love CEIBS!

I strongly feel that I am at the right place and I will emerge as a transformed individual by the end of the course. I would encourage everyone to join the ‘CEIBS Summer Pre-MBA Boot Camp’ to get hands-on MBA experience and to get a feel for the school and the beautiful city of Shanghai. Finally, I would strongly recommend CEIBS to all those planning to further their career in China or the Asia-Pacific region.

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